I put my shoes on and called our dog down to go outside into the cold spring air. Together, we walked around in circles on the frosted grass and then moved over to the compost containers to make an offering of cilantro, carrot and bean tops, squeezed limes and orange pulp.
The sky was the color of a soft summer peach and the frost on the grass sparkled in the fresh morning light. It was so quiet and peaceful. I stopped to listen. The light pecking and pounding of a woodpecker on one of the ancients gathered my attention. It is a tree of my childhood and a sense of protective pride welled up inside. I yelled, "Hey," into the chilly morning, but remained anchored where I was, watching the sky turn more dreamy orange.
I ran into the house, calling my dog impatiently in for breakfast and grabbed my camera--afraid the unique palette of color would fade while I was gone. I took this picture and some others of the crystalized grass and flowers and then sat on the porch stairs and closed my eyes.
In these small moments of breathing and being, I communed with the natural world around me. I could feel my connection to the earth and sky, to the trees and birds, to the air and animals. It was tangible and magical and I wanted the sensation to go on forever. The feeling of cold and wet seeping into my sitting bones from the porch demanded otherwise, though...I decided to go in and commune with some food.
I have been discovering a hidden love for baking and cooking recently--probably because I am making time to explore the possibility of blending and chopping to create edible art. I made a cinnamon swirl cake with fresh fruit so the kids could have a warm, sweet meal for breakfast and then put the kettle onto boil--tea, that is. Steeped and served with whole milk or cream (for the boys) or almond or coconut milk (for our girl) it is better than coffee. Taking that first hot sip of stablizing goodness was my second moment of fleeting communion. REALLY! That is what tea does for me...it is immediately grounds and comforts my soul. Do you have this same addiction?
After breakfast, I went over to do a couple psychic-mediumship readings to benefit the Washington County Humane Society (WCHS). If you are interested in having me do a reading for you, just call or email The Soul Source and I will get back to you to set something up. I want to continue practicing my connection to spirit--another deeply gratifying type of communion for me--so that the link comes quickly and effortlessly. I am asking $10 for a 15 minute psychic card reading or $20.00 for a 30 minute psychic mediumship reading, and I am donating all the proceeds to WCHS. I felt I received solid evidence for the people who came and I closed up for the day feeling so happy and grateful.

No matter what, these final moments of listening, talking and connecting with my family were so sweet--like the icing on my day cake. I am full--physically and emotionally--of love, devotion and hope for our future and I want to just say, "Thank you." For everything and everyone in my life. This seems to be the most simple and perfect way of communing--to express gratitude over and over in words, actions and thoughts.
Thank YOU. Namaste.
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