This is what horses ALWAYS remind me of. I LOVE horses, but sometimes I feel frightened by them. What does that say to you? To me, it indicates, that I LOVE my freedom, but that I also feel intimidated by it at times and so I choose to remain entrenched where I am--imagining where this "freedom horse" could take me instead of climbing on and racing into the wind. Interesting...
Extrordinary thoughts and inspiration found through yoga, meditation and day-to-day experiences and conversations as a mother.
I am Jen...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Happy Wednesday! Today, I am expressing gratitude for our well and the water it is providing to our gardens and trees.
It has become a daily ritual of care for me--get up and water, greet and talk to the ancient apple trees that were here when my grandparents bought Maryacres--coaxing them to continue living--and then doing the same for all the new bushes and trees we have planted since we moved in. I carry the water in buckets we found buried in the barn, imagining what it was like when life was more simple and focused on the land. It seems more reverent and it is obviously better exercise for me.
After this, the kids and I do yoga on one of the decks--I am teaching them to do some sun salutations so they can be a bit more centered as we venture out into our day. The new deck in front of the house is spacious and open and we LOVE it. It is also shaded and there is usually a breeze that drifts over us from the MAGNIFICENT maple tree my uncle planted years and years ago. It, too, is a gift to us.
What gifts from the earth do you enjoy every day? How are you giving back to this spectacular land and making it more beautiful?
I feel so empowered and happy when I am outside and connected somehow to the Earth--to the dirt in my gardens, to the rough bark on the trees, to the animals and wildflowers. By watering, walking on and talking to the land and feeding it and its creatures, I see myself inside that beautiful circle of life. It isn't a lot, but my actions matter and they make a difference.
Know that yours do, also. You and your relationship to the world around you is important. Take time today to BE with the ground yourself in its power and allow your spirit to sky into the sky.
I think I shared that I recently (within the past two months) got a cell phone for the first time in 4 YEARS! Yes, that is right, I said 4 YEARS--we were WITHOUT a cell phone, track phone or any other type of mobile device AND we survived! I think I heard you gasp.
I like the security of having a phone with me in the car when I am out and about driving with the kids. You never know when you might need to call someone about something...I enjoy being able to call from the store to see if we need more than just a gallon of milk. I also LOVE being able to capture cute pictures of my kids and interesting things that I see WITHOUT having to cart my digital camera around. Plus, if there is an emergency or I am delayed by something unexpected, I can pull over and call 911 or my family. It is nice.
That said, it is taking FOREVER to get up and running! I feel like such a novice--I think that is my kind word for "CLUELESS!"
For instance, I STILL have not figured out how to load apps on my phone. Like GPS, FB or Meetup...
What are YOUR favorite apps that you CAN'T live without? I would LOVE to hear about them and learn how to better use this device--so tell me what you did to best set up and utilize your "smart" phone.
A friend of mine suggested I have my niece or nephew help me--they are in their teens and LIVE and BREATHE with their cell phone and its applications. I thought that was a really good idea. They could also probably set up some AWESOME yoga playlists for me, too.
Here is a link to one application I would like to load soon! I LOVE supporting local businesses and think this movement is wonderful:
I guess, all in all, I am OK with not knowing about this stuff. It forces me to ask for help--another thing I am working on--allowing others to assist me--to appreciate the skills and talents in other people around me and being open to RECEIVE their expertise and generous offer of insight and support. So, I'll just reiterate: I welcome any helpful ideas and suggestions you have!
I hope you are also stretching and reaching out to things that make you feel uncomfortable--those things that are just out of your reach and make you squirm a little with wonder and fear. It gets back to what we talk about in yoga class--finding your "edge." That place where you feel the intensity of living and breathing fully in the moment--it is uncomfortable and unnerving, but it isn't painful or overwhelming.
In fact, when you find that edge and take time to explore it, you may feel EXHILARATION! Savor that and all the other blessings in your life.
I like the security of having a phone with me in the car when I am out and about driving with the kids. You never know when you might need to call someone about something...I enjoy being able to call from the store to see if we need more than just a gallon of milk. I also LOVE being able to capture cute pictures of my kids and interesting things that I see WITHOUT having to cart my digital camera around. Plus, if there is an emergency or I am delayed by something unexpected, I can pull over and call 911 or my family. It is nice.
That said, it is taking FOREVER to get up and running! I feel like such a novice--I think that is my kind word for "CLUELESS!"
For instance, I STILL have not figured out how to load apps on my phone. Like GPS, FB or Meetup...
What are YOUR favorite apps that you CAN'T live without? I would LOVE to hear about them and learn how to better use this device--so tell me what you did to best set up and utilize your "smart" phone.
A friend of mine suggested I have my niece or nephew help me--they are in their teens and LIVE and BREATHE with their cell phone and its applications. I thought that was a really good idea. They could also probably set up some AWESOME yoga playlists for me, too.
Here is a link to one application I would like to load soon! I LOVE supporting local businesses and think this movement is wonderful:
I guess, all in all, I am OK with not knowing about this stuff. It forces me to ask for help--another thing I am working on--allowing others to assist me--to appreciate the skills and talents in other people around me and being open to RECEIVE their expertise and generous offer of insight and support. So, I'll just reiterate: I welcome any helpful ideas and suggestions you have!
I hope you are also stretching and reaching out to things that make you feel uncomfortable--those things that are just out of your reach and make you squirm a little with wonder and fear. It gets back to what we talk about in yoga class--finding your "edge." That place where you feel the intensity of living and breathing fully in the moment--it is uncomfortable and unnerving, but it isn't painful or overwhelming.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
I have been really aware of this quote lately--on the mat and off. We have been working on a bunch of projects around the house so everything is a disaster and the yard looks like something out of an old Sanford and Son episode. When I drive around town, I see dry, but well-manicured lawns and front porches and it can be difficult to NOT feel that small bubble of anxiety and voice of criticism slowly surfacing--do you know the one? That voice that says, "Your family is strange and your house looks junky and you are not one of US?" I hear this same voice on the mat sometimes. It whispers and flashes images of people who are thinner and prettier and more athletic, and the joy I feel in practicing yoga and meditating begins to slowly deflate or my breath becomes fast and worried. Does this happen to you?
It used to happen to me ALL the time--before I found meditation, went to therapy, started practicing yoga and having acupuncture. It has been a long and winding road of forgiveness and shedding, and I am sure that process will continue throughout my whole life. I WANT IT TO CONTINUE, because that means I am letting go of comparison and accepting and embracing ME and MY LIFE.
So now, when I hear those voices in my head or see those images, I STOP and I BREATHE. I breathe in love and breathe out judgement. I look at my mat and my life as a canvas upon which I can create MY LIFE AND PRACTICE--no one else's. Just mine. If the life I create inspires or uplifts others to do the same, that is wonderful, but it is NOT my purpose. Mine is to create and not compare. Enjoy creating your life today. Namaste.
It used to happen to me ALL the time--before I found meditation, went to therapy, started practicing yoga and having acupuncture. It has been a long and winding road of forgiveness and shedding, and I am sure that process will continue throughout my whole life. I WANT IT TO CONTINUE, because that means I am letting go of comparison and accepting and embracing ME and MY LIFE.
So now, when I hear those voices in my head or see those images, I STOP and I BREATHE. I breathe in love and breathe out judgement. I look at my mat and my life as a canvas upon which I can create MY LIFE AND PRACTICE--no one else's. Just mine. If the life I create inspires or uplifts others to do the same, that is wonderful, but it is NOT my purpose. Mine is to create and not compare. Enjoy creating your life today. Namaste.
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