I am Jen...

I am Jen...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Wednesday!  Today, I am expressing gratitude for our well and the water it is providing to our gardens and trees.

It has become a daily ritual of care for me--get up and water, greet and talk to the ancient apple trees that were here when my grandparents bought Maryacres--coaxing them to continue living--and then doing the same for all the new bushes and trees we have planted since we moved in.  I carry the water in buckets we found buried in the barn, imagining what it was like when life was more simple and focused on the land.  It seems more reverent and it is obviously better exercise for me.

After this, the kids and I do yoga on one of the decks--I am teaching them to do some sun salutations so they can be a bit more centered as we venture out into our day.  The new deck in front of the house is spacious and open and we LOVE it.  It is also shaded and there is usually a breeze that drifts over us from the MAGNIFICENT maple tree my uncle planted years and years ago.  It, too, is a gift to us.

What gifts from the earth do you enjoy every day?  How are you giving back to this spectacular land and making it more beautiful?  

I feel so empowered and happy when I am outside and connected somehow to the Earth--to the dirt in my gardens, to the rough bark on the trees, to the animals and wildflowers.  By watering, walking on and talking to the land and feeding it and its creatures, I see myself inside that beautiful circle of life.  It isn't a lot, but my actions matter and they make a difference.

Know that yours do, also.  You and your relationship to the world around you is important.  Take time today to BE with the land...to ground yourself in its power and allow your spirit to sky into the sky.


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