She was as tired as I and confused by what had happened. I just hugged her and told her that accidents occur all the time and that she had done a great job coming to get me and helping me pull everything off the bed. I helped her into clean clothes and then she came and snuggled in our bed.

I asked her if anything hurt or didn't feel right and she said, "No. I feel OK." I asked if she had a dream that scared her or made it difficult to wake up and she didn't answer right away. Then she said, "I want to keep that for myself. Is that OK?"
I assured her, "Of course that's OK, honey...a dream could maybe cause you to have an accident, though. Sometimes I have dreams and I don't want to wake up and other times, I get so scared by my dreams that I yell and talk out loud and Dada has to wake me. That can be upsetting. Dreams are nice to hold inside because they are yours, but if you ever want to talk to me about your dream or anything else, that's what I am here for--to listen and help you where and how I can. OK?"
She nodded her head and smiled at me and I kissed her and told her to go to sleep--that it was early and that we were both still tired. She snuggled her little body next to mine and we drifted off, warm and comfy. The last thought I had, made me smile..."I am so lucky to have her for a daughter, and it makes it easy to respond to her in a way that is loving, kind and safe. I am a good mom."
That thought, in and of itself, made me really happy because my mom never snuggled with me in bed or told me it was OK to have accidents or encouraged me to keep some of my dreams to myself and to share them when I wanted...she would have had a polar opposite response to everything I told my daughter...and thank goodness! If she wouldn't have, maybe I wouldn't be the mother I am. Who knows. I just felt really GRATEFUL and filled with love.
This makes more and more sense to me lately...and it makes all the difference in my life...when I do things from love, whether it be washing clothes, kids' faces, yoga mats or my inner thoughts, everything is easier and more joyful. My life FLOWS.
When I operate from my ego, I feel anxious, afraid, upset and the flow is disrupted and stilted.
Love matters--not just the romantic kind that makes your heart skip and race or the paternal kind that consumes you with awe and vulnerability, but all of it--the love that appreciates each moment and person on our path, the love that helps us see beauty and similarity in all yet makes space for the uniqueness to flourish but not overrun.
Today; pause and breathe for a moment before moving forward or responding to anything or anyone. Surround yourself with love and then extend that same love outwardly. Make note of any difference in your experience. Namaste.
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